Monday, September 13, 2010

Why is it so easy to be BAD?

I was thinking this past weekend. Why do I still eat so bad when I know how it will make me feel? Why do I keep toying with the idea of going back to a relaxer when I felt unhappy with the overall health of my relaxed hair? It is so easy because those are the lazy ways of doing things. Eating crappy fast food is so easy and affordable. Getting a relaxer makes it much easier for me to manage my own hair. When I had a relaxer I could wash and roll my own hair every 3 to 5 days and let it air dry and just GO! Now with my transitioning hair that is not possible I learned the hard way last weekend. Whew!!! I have always been thankful to have a "headful" of thick hair (I get it from my Momma) but it is so hard to manage on my own. But I am sick of doing things the "easy" way. Eating, health, hair, life. It's not working, it's not me.

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