Sunday, January 4, 2009

Here I go again..

OK, I know last year same place, same time I created this blog to lose weight. I did try several times. I would lose about 10 pounds & gain back 12. Lose 8 then gain 10. This went on about 4 different times in 08. I realize that this is very unhealthy. I am not what most would look at and call "fat" but I know I am overweight. People always dismiss my size by saying "Oh girl you are just curvy" Well I am but my womanly curves have turned in to dangerous slopes. I know I am getting older and it is true what Mom told me, all that junk and stuff that I love to eat will catch up with me later & guess what it has!!!
I jokingly say that I want my "Beyonce" back & I do. So here I go!!! Wish me luck.

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